Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Support Letter

Missions Trip to Tokyo
Dear Reader,
Hi! This year I will be graduating from Trinity Academy. I am planning to go to Emporia State University in the fall and major in Nursing. This summer I have been given the opportunity to go to Tokyo, Japan with a summer program called Trek 7 with the mission agency ReachGlobal.
For my mission trip I will be in Japan for seven weeks (thus the name Trek 7). At first Tokyo seems like a strange place for a mission trip. Tokyo is a modern city like many in the U.S. so, why would I go to Tokyo? In Japan less than 1% of the population is Christian. Japan is an unreached place, despite being a modern country. In Japan the number one killer of men ages 20-44 is suicide. Hope seems gone from this nation, but as Christians we have the ultimate hope. The reason Trek 7 is bringing a team to Japan is to show how much better Christ is compared to the things of this world. On this trip we will be partnering with the local church in Tokyo. Half of the time will be spent working in our hearts, preparing us for the possibility that God may have called us to long term missions. The other half will be helping the local church with things like helping with Bible Studies, teaching English, and hosting events.
First and foremost, I ask you to pray for this trip. Without God this trip will be a waste of time and money.  The second thing that I ask is: would you consider supporting me on this mission trip? As a high schooler, and soon college student, I have lots of free time, but money, not so much. Together, we can partner to help reach Japan, with some sending and some going. This trip is going to cost $3,000 plus airfare. I am going to pay for as much as I can, but I can only pay for a fraction of the price. Thank you for your prayers and support.  Once again I want to stress that the thing I need first and foremost is prayer for the trip. Thank you for reading this and please keep me and my team in your prayers.
            Please make checks payable to EFCA ReachGlobal. (Send to the address 901 E. 78th St. Minniapolis, MN 55420) The Trek 7 website is:
Thank You,
Kayla Wilson

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