Friday, April 8, 2016

Hey! Listen!

"God, surprise me!"

By praying this who knows what will happen? Here is what we do know: God can/will do much more than we can hope or imagine. We also know that God is faithful. 

Give yourself away

Jesus literally gave up everything for me. How could I not do the same? But I am selfish and want things for myself. It should not be how can I get ahead, but how can I serve others.

Obey God

The only way I can find true fulfillment is by doing what God has planned for my life. The only way to do that is to obey God. "She has real lasting fulfillment in her heart, finding the joy that only comes when we say no to ourselves and yes to God." (Brown Like Coffee pg. 126)

Seek God

I don't know all that God is capable of. He can save the most evil hear, When God says to witness to someone--obey. Would you deny them access to the Gospel?!? God will always who up, I just have to seek him. "I don't even believe in God, but God was in that room. What happened?!" (Brown Like Coffee pg. 127)

How can I impact eternity? 

"She is leaving behind a wake of impact that will last into eternity." (Brown Like Coffee pg. 128) This goes back to the question: "What is my calling?" And, "What does God want me to do right now?" 


The only way that God can use me is if I surrender and obey him with my whole self. Not, "Do I have the strength?" But, "Will I obey?" 

Pray for opportunities 

Again, God can/will do so much more than we can hope or imagine. If we pray for opportunities to share the gospel we will get them. The real question is will I have the courage to share my faith/the truth?  The second coming/death is much too close to not pray for opportunities!

Make disciples of all Nations

This is God's command  in Matthew 28:18-20. As an aspiring missionary, this is a verse that I hold close to my heart, but I often forget the ALL nations part. Yes, "all nations" includes Japan, but it also includes ALL NATIONS. I can't just be passionate about Japan! I have to be passionate for the Gospel to reach ALL nations and EVERY person in the world. 

God's dreams become my dreams

What are my dreams right now? Honestly, to watch Netflix for the next week uninterrupted. Now, I don't claim to be God, but I can say with confidence that Netflix is not God's dream. I know that it is not God's calling for my life. Anytime my dream is not to tell the Lost about Jesus and grow deeper in my relationships with Christ, we have a problem. A big problem called SIN and IDOLATRY.

True sorrow for those who do not believe the Gospel

The world is broken and lost and we have the answer! Those who do not believe the Gospel will be in Hell forever. Let me say that again. They will be in HELL FOREVER. How can your heart not break? We are Hope to a Hopeless world. Weep and cry for the Lost!

Pour out my Life

After all it is not mine. I was bought at a price. He poured out His life for me. How could I not do the same? 

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