Thursday, June 16, 2016

We Are Orlando

After the recent shooting that happened, the phrase "We are Orlando" as been floating around social media.

This struck a chord with me. It reminds me of the phase "We are the Body [of Christ]." When one of the members is grieving, we grieve with them. When one of the members rejoices, we rejoice with them. When one of the of the members is hurt, we hurt with them.

The phrase "We are Orlando" communicates the same thing. It declares that we are one people and that we all hurt when there is injustice and pain. It gives the same feeling of togetherness that Christianity is supposed to inspire.

What happened that day in Orlando was wrong. End of story.  So what if it happened at a gay night club? Does that make their suffering any less real? Does that some how make them less of a person?


Do we think that a Christian that over eats is less of a person? NO! Yet gluttony is one of the seven most deadly sins. Or do we think that the suffering of a person with pride is any less than the suffering we endure? NO! Yet God opposes the proud.

What if we removed the logs out of our own eyes so that we could see the world with love and compassion? Jesus, when he was here had the holy right to judge people for what they had done, but with his dying breaths, he said, "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do!" Only Jesus has the right to judge. It is and never was our place to judge anyone, but to treat every person with the love and compassion that Jesus showed. The kind of love that forgives its killer. That love will stand out even more than neon.

As a group, Christians have failed the one real task we had: Love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first and greatest commandment, and the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself. Upon these two commandments rest all the law and the prophets.

Christians were supposed to be Love incarnate.
But instead many see us as Hate incarnate. And not without reason.

Here is the thing about the Gospel. Angry people need the Gospel.Prideful people need the Gospel. Lazy people need the Gospel. Good people need the Gospel. Bad people need the Gospel. Tall people need the Gospel. Short people need the Gospel. Gay people need the Gospel. Hardworking people need the Gospel. Bloggers need the Gospel.
And in cased I missed you:

Everyone needs the Gospel!

Every community needs the Gospel. 

Many Churches has chosen to neither praise or denounce the shooting. This is the coward's way. What happened was evil by every measure--and beyond evil by the measure of the Bible.  
To stand passively on the sidelines, unwilling to do anything, is the same as supporting it. For the Churches that won't pick a side--history has chosen your side. You have sided with the terrorists. For you, Love has lost and Hate has won. 

For the Churches who have condoned and denounced this shooting. For the Churches that accept ALL people as people who God loves. For the Churches that hold fast to the Bible in truth and Love. I can truly say that Love has won. You are the true image of the Church and the true Church. Churches were never meant to be places of judgement, but rather a gathering of imperfect people worshiping a perfect God. 

So, go! Embrace those who are suffering because of this act of Hate. Seek justice for the marginalized, love mercy and give mercy to all you meet, and walk humbly with your God. 

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