Saturday, June 13, 2015

Count Down: 8 Days

"Christianity 13" was written by Mark Reid (ZthePhoenix) in a app (for D.S.) called Flipnote. Flip note was accessible by most countries and was a site where people could publish animations or messages. This was one of many Flipnotes to help Christians and Non-Christians through out the world. I hope it changes your life as much as it changed mine. 

Christianity 13

What is a Christian?
Many people going to church on Sunday makes then a Christian.
Others assume that they are Christian because their family is Christian.
Or because they say grace before they eat.
Or maybe they know the Ten Commandments, and can even recite the books of the Bible.
Sorry to say but that stuff doesn’t make you a Christian.
That’s like calling yourself a good person just because you give to charity.
A criminal can give to charity.
Being a Christian is so much more that going to church or being a good.
“The Lord does not look at the things man look at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16:7
You can’t fool God.
Yet, that is what many of us think we’re doing.
We pretend, day in and day out, hiding behind what we think is a ‘Christian’ mask.
You wanna know what a real Christian is?
A follower of Jesus Christ.
“Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:33
Jesus said that.
He has already looked at you heart. He knows who’s real and who isn’t.
Today’s ‘Christians’ value this world and things that they have more that salvation.
They’d rather watch T.V. that go tell someone, “Hey Jesus loves you and wants to save you.”
“Hey, I go to Church on Sunday!” Okay, what did you do for that rest of the week?
“Well I would give up anything for Jesus!” No. You wouldn’t.
How do I know? Because you said ‘I would.’
Jesus didn’t ask if you would or not.
He said, “Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.”
If you said ‘would’ then that means you haven’t yet.
We tend to put Jesus on a waiting list. We want to get all of our fun in first.
Then maaaybe on your deathbed you’ll call on Jesus.
You may not even get a deathbed.
More and more people these days, especially teens, are instantly cut off from this life.
They don’t get a chance to utter that final prayer.
You could pray right now. But hey, it’s your choice not mine.
I thought I was a Christian before. I just wanted to go to heaven.
The idea of knowing God had never crossed my mind.
But when I said “Jesus, my life and everything in it is yours….”
That’s when I crossed the border between fake and real.
I didn’t even know that I could know God until then.
People think being saved is all about going to heaven.
If you are truly saved, you’ll go to heaven, but the most important part of salvation is knowing God.
Nothing even compares to this.
When you know Him, it won’t matter to you when someone tells you ‘God’s not real.’
When you know Him, you do everything in your power to accomplish his will.
You sacrifice time. You sacrifice money. And even Talents and gifts to do his will.
All because you love him.
Because from the moment you begin to know God, you’ll understand what love really is.
This is something you can only understand by experiencing it yourself. I can’t make you know God.
I can’t reveal Him to you. You have to search for Him.
God says you’ll find him if you search with all our heart.
He’s not hiding from us.
We are hiding from Him.
We bury ourselves in the cares and worries of this world, just to keep our minds busy.
That way, we won’t have to ponder, “Why am I here?”
That is what our minds are programed to wonder.
We were made with that question embedded in our minds, so that we would look for the answer.
So, what is the answer to all of this?
God says, “I AM.”

May the Lord bless all who read this.

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